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Commodore: Paul Trotter 0409 061 603

Vice Commodore (North): David Cook xxxx xxx xxx

Vice Commodore (South): Kim Russell (02) 9997 1168

Rear Commodore: Bob Dziminski (02) 9543 2492

Secretary: Lindsey Edgar 0419 609 777

Treasurer: Barbara Atkinson (02) 4739 6853

Training Co-ordinator: J. Carlos Yanez (02) 9817 1272

Social Co-ordinators: Neil and Pam Bennett 0423 045 992

Newsletter Editor: Luka Krivacic 0448 726 891

Senior Advisor: J. Carlos Yanez (02) 9817 1272

Web Administrator: Max Marcatili


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For information about our Association, membership or events please call one of the officials above or use the email form at left. Our emails are checked most days so you should receive a response fairly quickly but please be aware that we're sometimes busy sailing our boats!

NB This facility is for questions about CCYA and events only. Technical questions about boats, repairs, maintenance, etc cannot be answered with this facility.

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